• 与任务相关的投资



    • 自定义方法

      安吉利斯是使命型投资领域的思想领袖. We have been helping our clients incorporate their mission-related goals into their investment portfolios for over 20 years. We partner with our clients to invest in market-rate investment strategies that are values-aligned while fully managed for risk.

    • 环境、社会和治理因素

      在yabo亚博网站登录首页, 考虑环境因素, 社会, and 治理 (环境、社会和治理) factors are fully integrated into our manager due diligence process across all asset classes.

      We believe that superior investment results over the long-term go hand in hand with responsible and sustainable practices. We believe it is critical that investment managers integrate 环境、社会和治理 analysis into their investment processes, 从长期可持续性的角度审视公司和管理团队. 我们还研究了投资经理如何自我管理, seeking to understand what firms do to reduce their own carbon footprint and how goals and progress 测量 and communicated.


    团队和公司多样性是我们分析公司及其资源的重要组成部分, 包括了解公司如何培养团队的多样性和包容性.

    通过积极主动地与管理人员进行环境、社会和治理和DEI实践, 我们相信我们是行业积极变革的催化剂. Angeles asks all managers to provide detailed information on gender and race across their investment team, 所有权结构和员工总数. We go beyond the statistics in seeking to understand managers' commitment to promoting DEI at their firm and within the industry overall; we want to know managers' DEI goals and how they plan to measure and communicate progress. 除了, we press managers on whether and how they engage with the companies where they invest regarding DEI goals and practices.

    管理我们自己的公司, 安吉利斯培养和促进道德和社会责任的文化. 我们重视并促进公司的多样性和包容性. We believe a diverse team enables us to make better investment decisions through the rigor that accompanies the input of diverse perspectives, 的见解, 经历, 和想法. 我们相信我们的文化可以促进员工的福祉和团队合作, 怎样才能带来更好的投资结果.


    • 环境、社会和治理分析
      • 环境、社会和治理 analysis is fully integrated across our rigorous manager research process and incorporated into Angeles' proprietary database.
      • DEI的考虑完全集成在我们的经理研究过程中.
      • Angeles的尽职调查问卷在环境、社会和治理方面非常全面, DEI和影响力投资. Our manager research process is designed to deliver and demands measureable results from ourselves and the managers where we place client assets.
      • Angeles has a Mission Related Investment (MRI) Committee to oversee the execution of our goals in MRI and maintain 问责制.
    • 环境、社会和治理整合和DEI实践
      • Angeles uses a framework for a qualitative assessment of managers’ 环境、社会和治理 integration and DEI practices and regularly communicates this information to clients.
      • Angeles寻求投资于拥有不同所有权的经理人, leadership and/or investment teams and firms that are committed to improving DEI and 环境、社会和治理 integration.
      • yabo亚博网站登录首页有负责任的投资政策,负责任的投资是我们文化的一部分.
      • yabo亚博网站登录首页的招聘和管理实践促进了多样性、公平性和包容性.

    因为我们每个客户的价值观和目标都是独一无二的, our MRI work encompasses a broad range of strategies including exclusionary screens of companies with negative attributes, 整合对环境、社会和治理有利的因素, and investments that are actively engaged with corporate managements or have direct impact on addressing societal issues.


    • 排他的
    • 消极的屏幕


    • 集成
    • 正面的屏幕


    • 意图
    • 环境、社会和治理集成


    • 股东参与


    • 影响投资

      目标是可衡量的积极和/或环境影响. 大多数牵引力来自私人市场

    • 多样性



    Angeles assists clients in the development of mission-related investment policies from the initial education phase through implementation.

    • 教育


      • Angeles为客户提供初始和持续的教育. 我们调查客户以建立初始目标和共识.
    • 策略及政策发展

      策略 & 政策发展

      • Angeles与客户合作建立和纪念MRI目标, 任务优先级, 以及政策文件中的投资组合策略.
      • 安吉利斯与客户合作建立结构, 问责制, 谨慎和成功的基准. 当与家族基金会或其他法律实体合作时, 治理也被纳入到规划过程中.
    • 监测、报告和学习

      监测、报告 & 学习

      • 将环境、社会和治理问题纳入投资分析和决策过程.
      • 不断学习和反思以改善结果.
    • 实现


      • Angeles管理着跨资产类别的MRI投资组合.
      • Portfolios represent best in class strategies that align with client values and don’t sacrifice return.

    Angeles is a signatory to the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). PRI是全球负责任投资的主要倡导者. 作为PRI的签署人, Angeles is committed to adopting and implementing the six Principles for Responsible Investment.


    作为我们可持续发展和负责任企业承诺的一部分, Angeles Investments与Terrapass合作, 总部设在旧金山的一个组织, 来抵消我们航空旅行产生的碳. yabo亚博网站登录首页投资公司购买了53公吨二氧化碳的补偿, 代表我们2019年航空旅行的估计排放量. Terrapass通过在美国各地的各种项目中投资来实现这一目标, 包括清洁水和可再生能源, 比如风, 堆填气体(垃圾), 和生物燃料. yabo亚博网站登录首页投资公司现在在 Terrapass 网站作为合作伙伴.

    此外,今年我们被选中加入 融合慈善事业这是一家总部位于纽约和奥克兰的组织,致力于促进使命一致的投资. We continue to engage all of our managers on not only incorporating 环境、社会和治理 considerations in their investment process, 而是向他们所拥有的公司施压,让它们表现出对这些目标的承诺和进展. 我们直接对我们的经理采取了同样的方法, 要求他们, 太, 随着企业, 承诺采用这些原则.

    CEO多元化行动 & 包容 is the largest CEO-driven business commitment to drive measurable action and meaningful change in advancing diversity, 工作场所的公平和包容.

    • Terrapass
    • 融合慈善事业
    • 首席执行官多元化和包容性行动
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